Saturday, September 29, 2012

Upssy, I am Late


I would like to apologize; I did not introduce myself in the first blog.  My name is Carolina a student from LaGuardia Community College which is located in Long Island City, New York.  I am taking a English class that is requiring me to get involved in this "Blogs."  I have never been involved in here, but I think it will be fun to share with you reader part of my homework during this semester.  In one of my first assignments that I did post it on time that is named as "New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks, Critics Warn" published in  from

New York Is Lagging as Seas and Risks Rise, Critics Warn

from the New York Times by Navarro on September 10, 2012.  There is a discussing about points of views from critics, and when the weather is changing in the city.  Thus, cause damages on the bridges, subway, sidewalk and some other flooding areas where the lever of water can stop New York City movements.  According to the article the City does not move fast with a plane to evacuate people if there is a hurricane such as Irene, which that hit New York city not long ego.  In other words, the City is not well-protected against hurricanes because there is not specific plane beside the budget, and other critics and scientist's arguments.  I don believe that  this that the City needed  have planes to evacuate people from our home whenever we get another hurricane even though Irene did not became the strongest hurricane in New York City; it has been scared me when the weather changes.

As a new yorker who has been feeling whenever the weather had changed; I take the train or bus every day to get home from work or school.  I was not ready when I hear the winds in the midnight; Irene supposed to be a strong hurricane.  We had read an alert, but at the end it was only a tropical storm. I did saved water to drink just in case we did not have enough water to drink during the hurricane or storm that now critics discussing in the New York Times article.  In my opinion, the city really needs more than one plane for being protected against flooding; I do not know how to swim.  In the article, there is one point that keeps my attention which is the electricity during the city is under red alert.  However, I'm not very convinced at this point because I am do remembering one blackout years ego when we did not have electricity.  New York City is not ready for another catastrophe; we needed to study planes to prevent damages.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


According to "The Artificial Production of Carbon Dioxide and its influence on Temperature" (pg.33-38) G.S Callender 1938.  In this summary has been discussing the estimation of carbon dioxide witch changed the last half century. For example, rates and degrees per year that demonstrate effect in the temperature. In the page thirty-four there are details about absorption of gas in the temperature, and an important viewer.  Also, A Angstrom's observation, and others witch is relative to this absorption in the atmosphere.
 * which

Monday, September 24, 2012

I misunderstood the way to blogs my reading response because I did not use blogs before.  In our discussing class about adding blogs; I have been catching helpful information to respond my next blogs.  For example, tape more words, expend my response to the articles and try to summary better.