Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog # 4

In this passage the author states that Zeitoun started to get ready for the flooding because he though about "Elevate, elevate." He obviously took whatever had worth in to another place, so everything can be dried.  Wait, in one part of this passage something keeps my attention.  I think is the way this couple handle a situation when the storm/ Hurricane started it.  Kathy usually called her husband to tell him what to do or not to do "I told you not to cancel the property insurance." This is a typical couple having disagreements by phone -The husband did not listen his wife.  What might happened if Zeitoun had paid the insurance as his wife told him.  I asked my self if he may stay or leave with his family? "Zeitoun" (Eggers 86-87). *  This is what happen in a couple who live together because they shared everything in their marriage, they became as one.  It is understandable this situation because is part of the marriage where they were separated by the hurricane Katrina.  In the other passages the author's discussion about how Zeitoun and Frank rescued people on the canoe; they did not leave their home as them.  *by reading the passage and seen this marriage was separated form the weather, I can imagine how much they were suffering due the separation.  There was a family who were separated.  Also, the desperation of Kathy because she got a phone call from someone who called her, and she did not know if that person had killed her husband.  In most of these passages I get to the point of about the consequence that happened when they did not obey the Government during that catastrophe. On one hand, I think about a businessman who tried to rescued part of his properties and people because he had rejected to leave that place.  On the other hand, the Government's people doing their job and Kathy worries "Zeitoun" (Eggers 110-120).  *This is what happened in here where everyone suffered when the the hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.     

*Hi, this carolina who did not how how to cite and tried to explained this" Blog" I did did my best to read out LOUD  as everyone told me (professor, writing center).  I have been learning from another students how to work on their comments,  and I also have been trying to work more on my mistakes.  It takes me time to there because I do not go at the same speed as others students.  I do not feel ashamed to admit where to work because this one of the reason I am fixing this blog. mc

Monday, October 22, 2012

In- class Zeitoun

According to the author of this book states that "Kathy didn't have the nerves for it. It was hard enough with four kids." She might did not want be worried about driving to Phoenix.  Thus, She made decision by herself, and the responsibility to take care of the children. In this passage as a readers, we take a moment to think about the challenges that Kathy has been facing while she was driving from one place to another place.  Also, She might did not time to think about her children education in that moment. "Zeitoun" (Eggers 117). 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


2 degrees:

3 degrees:
-" what will be disappear"
-"el niño"
-"across Europe natural disaster"
- Dr. (?) I am sorry, but I did not pay attention on his name.
- "2003 Global Warming"

4 degrees:
-"2040" (?)

5 degrees:
-"Los Angeles"
-"Human civilization"

6 degrees:
-" due day for flooding"

I only get this short note from this class; the class room was dark.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Group # 5

  According to the discussion in-class  Kathy had some personal feeling about her faith; she may became a Muslim because she wasn't comfortable in the Evangelical Church where often attending closet her work.  She had questions about the member of the congregation because at one point she might did not feel comfortable in there.  Also, Kathy had a conversation with her friend Yuko about that man (preacher) in that congregation did not the relationship between the other religious.  At one point, we got confused about Kathy real religious because she want to feel close with Christ and than Muslim. She want to feel a connection, and those question about member in the congregation? (Eggers pg 63-69)    

Monday, October 8, 2012


According to The Global Warming Reader "The Artificial Production of Carbon Dioxide and Its influence on Temperature" (pg. 33-34) In this summary introduction there is a discussion about the estimation of carbon dioxide that changed the last half century.  For example, rates and degrees per year about absorption of gas in temperature because the radiation and evaporation in the world during that century.  In page thirty-four, there is an important viewer such as A. Angstrom's observation concerning absorption in the atmosphere that has been relative with other scientists who collaborated that the evaporation of water had most of influence in those changes in the atmosphere. 

* There is an important viewer such as A. Angstrong's observation concerning absorption in the atmosphere; it has been relative with others scientist.  They collaborated that the evaporation of water had most of influence in these changes in the in the atmosphere The Global Warming Reader 
"The Artificial Production of Carbon Dioxide and its Influence on Temperature" (McKibben 34).